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Handicap Accessible Bathrooms

If you’re making accessible home modifications, the bathroom is a great place to start. The room is used multiple times a day and some of the most physically strenuous activities (like bathing and showering) take…

Spruce Up Your Outdoor Space

Most people around this part of the country forget about their outdoor space as an extension of their home. This happens mostly because it is covered in snow – yuck! But now that spring has…

Choosing The Right Siding Materials

Keeping up appearances on the exterior of your home keeps everyone happy, especially your neighbors. Some homeowners often change the outside appearance of their homes when the exterior materials become dilapidated. Others are simply looking…

Shower Tiles

There is a lot of thought that goes into choosing the right tiles for your shower. Often, the shower’s design will predetermine which type of tile would be the best fit. If you’re considering a…

Know Your Roof

April showers are on their way. If you’re considering doing work to your roof you may want to start the construction by April 26th. Due to continued higher raw material costs, roofing prices are set…

Hardwood Floors

If you’re looking to add value and beauty to home consider a hardwood floor installation. Hardwood floors are full of inherent benefits that will last throughout the years. Renovating your house’s flooring is major decision…

Energy Efficient Windows

The windows in your home are an investment. The money you may save with cheap windows will go directly to increased heating and cooling costs in the years to come. Though it may be more…

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