Many homeowners focus their attention on the age of “things.” They study the age of the water heater, age of the roof, and the overall age of the house. Not many consider the age of their windows. Many windows can last up to 20 or more years. If your windows are getting older, it is time to inspect them more closely. A window will tell you if it needs replaced.

Your windows may need new weatherstripping or hardware replaced. Weatherstripping is a protective barrier that is around your windows. The main purpose of weatherstripping is to seal your window from weather and to keep interior air from escaping. Even if the window is in working order, they can develop more problems in the future. It’s a good idea to keep track of the signs that develop.

Signs of Window Age

Signs of a window needing replaced can easily be spotted. The first signs are drafts or air leaks making their way into your home. This will cause your home energy bill to increase. By replacing your windows you can significantly lower your heating or air conditioning bill.

Do your windows get stuck while trying to open or close them? Do they not want to stay open? Are they becoming foggy? This is a sign of wear that indicates a window replacement should be done soon.

Replacing windows in your home not only will help you with heating costs, but they can also give your home a complete makeover. There are many different styles of windows out there: double hung, wood finishing, bay windows, and bow. You can also have custom windows installed the way you want. View sample designs like the one pictured above at Simonton Windows & Doors.

There are so many benefits to replacing old windows. At Mihalko’s we want to help you make your house a home you love. Talk to one of our expert designers to help you find the windows you will love for many years.


Photo credit – Simonton Windows & Doors

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